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Don’t touch the radio! The unwritten rule in cobranding

Thinking about cobranding, I recall a time when the organization I used to work for was a popular collaborator, attracting entities eager for shared events, sponsorships, and cobranding ventures. With every mention of X or Y entity approaching our peers for shared events or sponsorship opportunities, my internal compass began spinning with questions like, "What organization is joining us? What are their values? Does this event enhance our brand?" 

Cobranding demanded a deep dive beyond visual identity guidelines. I'd ask, "Is the concept aligned with our brand? How are they using our logo?" Beyond the checkpoints of visual identity guidelines, I delved into the depths of branding, ensuring that the values and event concept aligned harmoniously with our brand narrative.

Your brand, your rules. Choose your collaborators wisely, ensure the journey aligns with your brand's narrative, and embrace the adventure with an open mind.

Having navigated the initial terrain and confirming a synergy of values, I eagerly shared our logos and branding guidelines. However, the twist in the tale awaited—the promotional material draft. Despite clear instructions, promotional material drafts would sometimes deviate from our brand's essence. The realization hit: being the main actor in a cobranding relationship is like owning the car. 

Upon voicing my concerns to our account manager, a revelation unfolded—the partners deemed it aligned with their look. That's when I dropped a nugget of wisdom derived from the unwritten rules of the road: "It's our event; if they're getting a ride, they don't touch the radio!" The account manager burst into laughter, acknowledging the unspoken yet pivotal rule of cobranding relationships—when you're the main actor, you're the owner of the car, setting the tone and tune. Yet, in cobranding, the rule extends to visuals, messaging, and overall brand representation.

In cobranding, your brand is the vehicle, and the collaboration is the journey. As the owner, you establish the rules—no meddling with the radio unless you're in the driver's seat. Of course, there's a caveat. 

When you're riding with friends, the dynamics change. The driver might turn to the shotgun rider to curate the music, just as the person in the back attends to the snacks. 

 Reflecting on the rules of shotgun learned from amazing work friends, I realized it's not just about claiming your spot—it's about understanding the dynamics of collaboration. Calling shotgun first secures your position, but flexibility in roles ensures a smooth ride for everyone. 

your brand, your rules

As you embark on the cobranding highway, remember: your brand, your rules. Choose your collaborators wisely, ensure the journey aligns with your brand's narrative, and embrace the adventure with an open mind. After all, in the journey of cobranding, the destination is determined by the choices you make along the way. If you're driving, set the mood; if you're riding, enjoy the music. BTW, what is your favorite music when you’re in your car?